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About us

We warmly welcome you to the Oncological Center of the Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) Marburg!
Our center has a range of modern diagnosis and treatment options that is unique in Germany. Here, experts from various disciplines work together in a network to optimize patient care through communication and cooperation. Thanks to the optimal networking, interdisciplinary treatment plans are implemented for each individual patient, taking individual aspects into account. In doing so, we are guided by the current national and international guidelines and take into account the latest scientific findings.
On the following pages you will find an overview of our range of services and treatments, as well as all information about consultation hours, studies and our cooperation partners. We would like to introduce our center to you and provide you with some essential information. However, these cannot and should in no way replace the discussion with the treating experts. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.
We hope to provide you with all the information you need on the following pages and are happy to help.