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About us

Dear patient, dear relatives and co-treating colleagues,

We warmly welcome you to the Neuro-Oncological Center (NOZ) of the Marburg Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC)!

Neuro-oncology is the interface between neurosurgery, neuropathology, neurology, radiation therapy and internal oncology and coordinates the optimal treatment for patients with different tumors of the central and peripheral nervous system.

At the NOZ of the UKGM, patients with benign and malignant tumors of the brain, spinal cord and its envelopes and with metastases from other cancers that have penetrated the interior of the skull or the spine through local spread are treated.

In our center there is an optimal network of the departments involved so that interdisciplinary treatment plans can be drawn up at short notice, taking individual aspects into account. The NOZ orients itself on the basis of national and international guidelines for the treatment of neuro-oncological diseases and of course includes the latest scientific findings in the created treatment concepts.

On the following pages you will find an overview of our range of services and treatments and current studies.

Prof. Dr. med. Ch. Nimsky

Director of the Neurosurgery Clinic