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Clinical studies can make a significant contribution to improving patient care and therapeutic outcomes. This is done by introducing new, innovative drugs, comparing new therapies with standard therapy or precisely documenting the course of the disease. General goals of these study projects can include reducing side effects, improving quality of life or optimizing therapeutic success.

The focus of the Breast Center Regio is on basic and health care research as well as clinical research in gynecological oncology. The main diseases are breast cancer and ovarian cancer. As a certified breast center, intensive care research is carried out on the topic of optimizing the treatment of breast cancer with the implementation of guidelines for early detection and their effects on quality of life in regional network care.

We would like to offer the patients cared for at the Marburg location the opportunity to be included in such studies. For detailed information, we refer to the respective study protocol. In our study register, you can filter all ongoing studies based on various indications or participating study centers. For general questions about clinical studies, please visit our FAQ section for patients.

Please speak to your doctor in charge of whether you are eligible to participate in a study.