Prof. Dr. med. Detlef K. Bartsch Director of the Clinic for Visceral, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery Tel: 06421-58-66440 Fax: 06421-58-68995 E-Mail:
Prof. Dr. med. Katharina Holzer Head of the Endocrine Surgery Section of the Clinic for Visceral, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery Tel: 06421-58-66443 Fax: 06421-58-68995
Gastroenterology and endocrinology
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas M. Gress Director of the Department of Internal Medicine, specializing in Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Metabolism Tel: 06421-58-66460 Fax: 06421-58-68922 E-Mail:
Dr. Simona Bergmann Head of the Endocrinology Section Tel.: 06421/58-63135 Fax: 06421/58-62733
Prof. Dr. med. Anja Rinke Specialist at the Clinic for Internal Medicine, specializing in gastroenterology, endocrinology and metabolism Tel: 06421-58-65968
Diagnostic and interventional radiology
Prof. Dr. Andreas H. Mahnken Department Director Tel: 06421/58-66231 Fax: 06421/58-68959
Nuclear medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Markus Luster Department Director Tel: 06421/58-62814 Fax: 06421/58-67025
Dr. Andreas Pfestroff Specialist in nuclear medicine Tel: 06421/58-62822 Fax: 06421/58-67025
Dr. med. habil. Friederike Eilsberger Specialist in nuclear medicine, FEBNM
Institute of Pathology
Prof. Dr. med. Carsten Denkert Chief Physician / Director Tel: 06421/58-62270 Fax: 06421/58-62257
Prof. Dr. med. Moritz Jesinghaus Professorship for Translational and Molecular Tumor Pathology, Managing Senior Physician Tel.: 06421 58 64996 Fax: 06421 58 65640